229 Artists your opportunity has arrived to get your music on the radio! Interview also! #WorldPremiereRadio brings you the 96.3 Artist Spotlight every #WINSDAY (Wednesday for you slow folks) @ 9pm! This week's featured artist is #STOOPID. Be on the lookout each week for a different featured artist!
Stoopid is a new artist from Albany, Ga and enjoying this new journey in the music world. He started rapping simply off of a joke from being mad at one of his friends who is also a rapper. He got his rap name from his friend’s saying “Don’t Be Stoopid." He sat at home on his phone one and came up with a simple hook and found a beat off of the internet to rap to. He then started to write verses to it and was about to change his mind about rapping altogether. He let a few people hear the phone version and they convinced him to record the song. He had no intentions on continuing to rap but the people around him convinced him that he should keep going. He has never been into rap music, so he pushed back on them saying that he’s not interested. After performing a few times in front of a good crowd of people, he had a change of heart about rapping because of how much fun he’s having doing it. He has support from a lot of people that he wants to know he’s very thankful for because without them he would have frozen up the first time he stepped foot on that stage. With all that’s going on in his life and around him, rapping gets him thru a lot. Since the release of "Stoopid," he has written and recorded several other songs. Stoopid is also planning to release a mixtape in the next few months. If you need to contact Stoopid for booking or any other business inquiries, He can be reached via email at mrstoopid2@gmail.com or by any of the social sites listed below.
Facebook: Tony MrStoopid Senior
Instagram: stoopid_27
Snapchat: Stoopid27