229 Artists your opportunity has arrived to get your music on the radio! Interview also! #WorldPremiereRadio brings you the 96.3 Artist Spotlight every #WINSDAY (Wednesday for you slow folks) @ 9pm! This week's featured artist is #SugaRayDollaz. Be on the lookout each week for a different featured artist!
$ugaRayDollaz, I’m from Albany,Ga. I’m a versatile artist that sings and raps. I’ve been musically inclined all my life. I started taking it serious in 2012 when I dropped out of college. I’m heavily influenced by ALL genres of music. I listen to everything just to hear different sounds and to understand different sides of the spectrum. My team is Majer League. We started doing music together. My management team is GGE. I plan on feeding my family with my art one day. My 1st solo tape will drop Aug 26th which will be entitled “626”.
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